Finally! Conquer Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage can show up in many different ways including procrastination, over-extending yourself and people pleasing.  One thing that I hear over and over from my clients is that they self-sabotage.  They have come to notice that just when things are getting good...
When is the “right” time?

When is the “right” time?

Have you ever considered if the time is right or not to embark on your dream? Have you been waiting for the kids to grow up, your partner to retire and for the money to show up? If so, you have been living your life backwards.  Yes, absolutely backwards! Waiting for...

Ignite Your Potential – Step 4

Definitive Decisions: The fourth step to igniting your potential and leading from a place of power is to begin making definitive decisions. In my work over the years with women, I have discovered that many women have difficulty making decisions or actually sticking...

Ignite Your Potential – Step 3

Why would you want to ignite your potential? I have always been inspired and intrigued by the innate potential of humans.  One day we believe that something is impossible, such as running the 4-minute mile, then another day someone does the impossible, which leads to...

Ignite Your Potential – Step 2

If you recall, we last discussed the first step to igniting your potential, which was to let go of your old stories and experiences.  Today we’ll discuss the second step, evaluating your expectations. We all have expectations.  We expect how Mondays will feel, how a...

Ignite Your Potential NOW – Step 1

NEWS***NEWS***NEWS***NEWS***NEWS***NEWS I’m back in the east valley! And I feel like I’m back home!  I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I returned.  I’m living in downtown Chandler, which so far has proven to be a blast! New...

Getting to Your Soul’s Purpose

Happy Spring!!! I love this time of year with it’s new life and new life and new beginnings.  I think it’s a powerful time for self and Soul exploration. Over the years, I have found  many powerful tools that help you to discover your Soul’s Purpose...