We have many more women in positions of power.  But are they the RIGHT women?  Yes, I’m a feminist.  A spiritual feminist that has long rejected mainstream religion of patriarchal rule.

I can’t stand behind just any woman because she’s a woman.  Which is what people who think feminists are man-haters think.  NO!  

The women we must have in leadership roles on this planet are the women who have embodied their feminine power.  Women who no longer equate power with testosterone or all that the toxic domineer masculinity represents.  

I understand that for decades, in order for a woman to have a seat at the “male table”, she had to be more male.  

But now,  the “future is feminine”.  

I understand the confusion. I struggled with it myself for a long time.  It’s time to clear it up.  

Your feminine superpowers include:

Your compassion:  Yes, you feel for other people.  You take into account the needs and desires of others even in business.  You love finding the win for all involved. You know that nobody has to lose ever and you’re willing to do what it takes to make sure. 

Your intuition: Sometimes (a lot of the time) you know something without knowing why you know.  There’s no proof, no logic, you just know.  When you follow that knowing it leads you in the right direction. 

Your emotions:  You feel…and you feel deeply.  Which is what motivates and inspires you and when they’re gone it’s your emotions that keep you going after your goal relentlessly.

You LOVE:  And sometimes love says no.  Love sets a boundary. Which you can do with grace or with fervor when necessary.  

Imagine for a moment a world in which at least half of the leaders on the planet were women fully embodied in their feminine power.  The collaboration, cooperation, and opportunities created out of winning solutions for all.  

Are you leading from a space of pure confidence in your feminine power?  I would love to hear from you and your take on feminine power.
