Unlock the Sophia Mystery School Secrets for an Extraordinary Life

5-day Challenge with Michelle Lee

Your innate Feminine Wisdom is the key that unlocks your infinite joy, unstoppable confidence & financial freedom

Spend 5 days with Michelle Lee unlocking the ancient wisdom within you

You will:

  • Reunite with your heavenly mother, the Sophia (we've all felt like abandoned daughters)
  • Learn daily rituals that align your mind with your innate wisdom and power
  • Learn to recognize and amplify your intuition
  • Learn how to alchemize energies to create what you want 
  • Learn to practically apply the Sophia Mysteries to create your modern day results

WAIT! Don't miss Unlock the Sophia Mystery School Secrets for an Extraordinary Life 5-Day Challenge

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This is a free event. You just need to register to receive the training videos in your e-mail beginning Tuesday November 19 through Saturday November 23.

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