The Joy of Receiving

Skyrocket Your Joy & Prosperity Today
by Opening to Receive

5-Day Challenge


Do you struggle with taking time for yourself, asking for help, being seen, or even receiving a compliment?  Do you feel too busy and overwhelmed with everything you have to do?

These are all manifestations of not allowing yourself to receive.  

When you block one or more of these avenues of receiving you’re also blocking your ability to receive joy and prosperity.  

Imagine going through your day only exhaling.  You can’t!

You must receive the breath of life in order to survive.   Receiving is living. Receiving is the feminine way to your prosperity and joy.  

If you feel uncomfortable receiving it’s simply a clue to your belief about your level of worthiness.  

Create an extraordinary New Year by learning to receive all the good that is divinely yours.  

Learning to balance the doing with the receiving is the path to your joy and abundance. 


During this extraordinary 5-day challenge you will:

  • Learn how to increase your joy, balance & prosperity by opening to receive
  • Learn exercises and practices that make you more receptive
  • Begin to see the infinite abundance around you
  • Activate your worthiness.
  • Discover the Oneness of giving and receiving

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