Does Self-Love Terrify You?

You would be amazed by how many women I work with that at a cognitive level want to love themselves, yet at a deeper level they are terrified by it. What is there to be terrified of? You might ask. They worry about how their relationships will change.  Women worry...

EFT and Body Image

Body image is getting a lot of press as of late.  As it should!   I recently enjoyed the Amy Poehler video about feeling good about your body. She gave great advice about how girls should feel about their bodies. I have often wondered how much women could and would...

4 Steps to Living Self-Love

I believe that self-love is our path to true happiness and enlightenment.  It is the crux of everything else.  It is my experience that our outer experience is a direct reflection of how we feel about ourselves.  If you don’t have enough of anything whether it be...